On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 03:07:44AM +0100, Mattia Dongili wrote:
> So I'd go for an epoch, but I'm still puzzled here: is 20040104:1.1-1 ok
> or should I go with 1.1.20040104-1 as I see that
> # if `dpkg --compare-versions 20040104:1.1-1 lt 1.2-1` ; then echo "1" ; fi
> #
> thanks again

Epoch should only be used for (hopefully) one-off mistakes, and it
really should start at 1
Eg procps has an epoch of 1: for one of its many forks or recombines.

What i have seen is things like
 0.7.1+0.7.2rc2 for something that is the second release candidate for
 0.7.2, the 0.7.1 in front means the real 0.7.2 will be newer.

  - Craig

Craig Small      GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.enc.com.au/   MIEE         Debian developer
csmall at : enc.com.au                      ieee.org           debian.org 

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