Andrey Rahmatullin <> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 03:30:39PM +0000, Marius Gavrilescu wrote:
>>   * Mark as XS-Autobuild: yes
> Why do you think you need that in a contrib package?

That... is a great point! It only makes sense for non-free packages.

I believe I added that as I saw the package was BD-Uninstallable on all
arches bug amd64. But that was because libfdk-aac-dev was not available
on those arches when the buildds tried to build fdkaac (libfdk-aac-dev
is now available on most arches).

I've removed XS-Autobuild: yes from d/control and the corresponding
changelog item. The new package is now on mentors.
Marius Gavrilescu

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