Hi Sergio,
>Oh, I have a solution! Get rid of this proprietary software on Debian! >;-) lol :) >Seriously, though. I've also had to do a few modifications to the >get-orig-source.sh script, and you'll also need to run uscan with the >--no-symlink option, but this should work. Oh, and you will also need >to specify downloadurlmangle like this: > > opts="downloadurlmangle=s@(.*)@http:$1@" \ > > http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/([\d\.\-]+)/VBoxGuestAdditions_([\d\.\-]+).iso > \ > debian /bin/sh debian/get-orig-source.sh I did this for virtualbox "downloadurlmangle=s/^/http:/" does this works too? I would like to keep it simple, or understand what it is doing :) >if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then > echo "Error: 3 parameters are required." > exit 1 >fi what is correct? 2 or 3? thanks a lot, I'll give it a try as soon as I reach a stable enough internet connection :) Gianfranco