On Saturday, July 16 2016, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote: > Hi Sergio
Hey Gianfranco, >>Yeah, uscan is the responsible for invoking mk-origtargz. That can be a >>problem indeed for cases like yours. > > > do you have a solution for virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package? > the same happens here since the orig file is an iso file :) Oh, I have a solution! Get rid of this proprietary software on Debian! ;-) Seriously, though. I've also had to do a few modifications to the get-orig-source.sh script, and you'll also need to run uscan with the --no-symlink option, but this should work. Oh, and you will also need to specify downloadurlmangle like this: opts="downloadurlmangle=s@(.*)@http:$1@" \ http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/([\d\.\-]+)/VBoxGuestAdditions_([\d\.\-]+).iso \ debian /bin/sh debian/get-orig-source.sh But that is because of a malformed URL at the virtualbox website. BTW, it may be a good idea to implement some kind of in-file support to specify the no-symlink option. Maybe also using opts. Cheers, -- Sergio GPG key ID: 237A 54B1 0287 28BF 00EF 31F4 D0EB 7628 65FC 5E36 Please send encrypted e-mail if possible http://sergiodj.net/
#!/bin/sh set -ex if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Error: 3 parameters are required." exit 1 fi if [ "$1" != "--upstream-version" ]; then echo "Error: First parameter needs to be --upstream-version." exit 1 fi UPSTREAM_VERSION=$2 ORIG_TARBALL=`readlink -e ../`/VBoxGuestAdditions_${UPSTREAM_VERSION}.iso ORGDIR=`pwd` cd `dirname $ORIG_TARBALL` if ! wget -O - http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/$UPSTREAM_VERSION/SHA256SUMS | grep iso | sha256sum -c --strict -; then echo "Error: checksum doesn't match." exit 1 fi cd $ORGDIR PACKAGE_NAME=`awk '/^Source: / { print $2 }' debian/control` if [ -z "$PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: couldn't determine package name." exit 1 fi TMP=`mktemp -d` if [ -z "$TMP" ]; then echo "Error: couldn't create a tmp dir." exit 1 fi trap 'rm -r $TMP' EXIT mkdir $TMP/${PACKAGE_NAME}-$UPSTREAM_VERSION mv $ORIG_TARBALL $TMP/${PACKAGE_NAME}-$UPSTREAM_VERSION/ cd $TMP tar czf ${PACKAGE_NAME}_$UPSTREAM_VERSION.orig.tar.gz ${PACKAGE_NAME}-$UPSTREAM_VERSION mv ${PACKAGE_NAME}_$UPSTREAM_VERSION.orig.tar.gz $ORGDIR/../ cd $ORGDIR echo "Done, now you can run gbp import-orig ../${PACKAGE_NAME}_$UPSTREAM_VERSION.orig.tar.gz"
Description: PGP signature