On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 09:16, Jepri wrote:
> On 2003.07.14 08:26, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 05:15:49PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
> > Also that is but one of many people waiting on the list for an
> > excessive
> > amount of time, what about all the others?  Do you consider the wait
> > times listed as reasonable and to be expected?  As I believe I've made
> > very clear, I don't.
> And also, it discouraged me from applying for new maintainer - I 
> figured if some people were waiting for two or three years I would have 
> no hope of getting in in less time.
While I don't know if this kind of wait is normal, it is not exclusively
the case. I was processed recently and within a short amount of time.


DAM approval took a month after my AM approved me. As far as I know, I
wasn't "fast tracked" or anything, I did every part of the process. I
had not had any packages sponsored prior to my application (I had
maintained a public APT archive however), and was marginally (at best)
active on -devel and -legal.

So, it might take people 3 years, but YMMV.

(n.b. This is not a defense of the NM process, nor a statement saying
something is horribly broken. I don't know enough about it to comment in
general. However, that was my experience in it.)
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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