Hi Yaroslav, Am Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 05:21:52PM -0500 schrieb Yaroslav Halchenko: > > There are packages I gave up. For instance I have some mental note on > > fsl saying: non-free, outdated (upstream has version 6.0) and terribly > > complex. > > yeah, don't bother with FSL! Even though still popular, non-free > license, and no longer fully open source AFAIK.
So shouldn't we file an RFM bug against fsl? > If any other alternative in purpose -- pick up AFNI please. > Major (if not all) licensing issues were resolved, we never uploaded to > debian proper though. Upstream is very receptive and friendly. > Problems: > - age (in how long it has been out there, but it is still active) > - original build infrastructure was "suboptimal",Michael redid in cmake, > upstream worked on establishing their own cmake build infra but they > are not actively use it > > our aged, not updated in awhile packaging: > https://github.com/neurodebian/afni/tree/debian > > upstream: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/ > https://github.com/afni/afni I transfered https://salsa.debian.org/neurodebian-team/afni (and afni-data) to Debian Med team. Would you mind checking the status from Github to ensure we have the latest packaging status if someone might want to continue? Kind regards Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de