Hi Sébastien, Hi Nilesh,

I have a bit of time, so am looking up the issue as well.  Note
that this is not a maneuver I already did, but this is the kind
that comes in handy when needed.

Sébastien Jodogne, on 2021-06-04:
> On 4/06/21 11:45, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > On Fri, 4 Jun, 2021, 2:15 pm Sébastien Jodogne,
> > <s.jodo...@orthanc-labs.com <mailto:s.jodo...@orthanc-labs.com>> wrote:
> >     Adrian (Bunk) replied that "This is fixable with a +really version."
> > [...]
> > +really is used when version changes aren't consistent, or you need to
> > downgrade.
> > 
> > In this case, you would want to downgrade orthanc right?
> To be fair, I am unsure whether I need to downgrade orthanc to 1.9.2, or
> to make an additional operation on 1.9.3.

At this point of the Debian release, if I were you, I would
prefer to revert to the version currently in bullseye, that is
currently 1.9.1+dfsg-1 as I can see on the package tracker[0]
over bringing more changes on 1.9.3.  All changes will be
manually reviewed by the release team through a debdiff, so they
will be more inclined to let the package migrate to testing if
they don't have to dig in a huge patchset.

[0] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/orthanc

In the next paragraphs, I assume you want to revert the state in
unstable (with v1.9.2) to the state in testing (with v1.9.1).
The package version in experimental (v1.9.3) should not
interfere; that is the point of experimental.  Rereading the
discussion, I'm not sure this is entirely clear.

> > So you should use this trick only for orthanc to my understanding.
> In the hypothesis that I must downgrade from "orthanc-1.9.3+dfsg-1" to
> "orthanc-1.9.2+dfsg-1", should I upload a release with version
> "orthanc-1.9.2+really" to unstable?
> Or should I name it "orthanc-1.9.2+dfsg-1-really"?

The point of the +really trick is to "erratum" the higher
version in unstable by specifying the real version after the
marker.  Given that the current version in unstable is
1.9.2+dfsg-1, and assuming that you wish to revert in unstable
to the state in which your package was in in version
1.9.1+dfsg-1, then the version to upload in order to apply the
revert would be:

        orthanc (1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1) unstable; ...

Subsequent uploads sticking to the content of 1.9.1 release will
need to preserve that scheme, e.g. further corrections if deemed
necessary before bullseye release, and maintenance of orthanc
over bullseye life cycle.

You will be able to get back to the normal versionning scheme
after the release of bullseye, when uploading orthanc 1.9.3, or
greater, into unstable.

> In practice, should I first sync my git repository with the tag
> "orthanc-1.9.2+dfsg-1", do the modifications and upload to unstable,
> then merge back my modifications in the mainline of the git repository,
> and finally upload "orthanc-1.9.3+dfsg-2" to experimental?

As I understand things, again in the context of a revert from to
1.9.2+dfsg-1 to 1.9.1+dfsg-1, I would probably checkout the
1.9.1+dfsg-1 to get to the state of the package as it was, both
regarding the upstream and debian branches, then append in
d/changelog the unmodified content of the 1.9.2+dfsg-1 upload
and the entry for 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1, which should only
indicate the revert of the package to the state it was in in
version 1.9.1+dfsg-1, and tag debian/1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1.

The resulting debdiff between orthanc_1.9.1+dfsg-1.dsc and
orthanc_1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1.dsc should, ideally, only show
the added entries in the changelog.

Note I may not have the best git skills in the world, it just
sounds like the simplest approach to me.

> >     Also note that it is unclear to me what exact package should be put in
> >     "Built-Using". Is it "src:orthanc", "liborthancframework1", or
> >     "liborthancframework-dev",
> > 
> > 
> > All libraries that you have statically linked against. See the binary
> > packages that are relevant/contain the files that are being used for linking
> > 
> >     with or without version?
> > 
> > 
> > With version, and more specifically with an exactly = relation.
> > Please see the Debian Developers reference wherein it's clearly explained.
> From what I see in the Debian Developers reference [1], and from your
> explanations, I guess I should use:
> Built-Using: liborthancframework-dev (= 1.9.2+really)

I've been digging into the policy as well and read that:

        the Built-Using field must list the corresponding source
        package for any affected binary package incorporated
        during the build, including an “exactly equal” (“=”)
        version relation on the version that was used to build
        that version of the incorporating binary package.

In which case, it is the src:orthanc which needs to be listed.
So I would apply the following field to address bugs #989126,
#989127, #989128:

        Built-Using: orthanc (= 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1)

That would work, but after upload of said version of orthanc
1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1 into unstable first.

> Thanks again,
> Sébastien-
> [1] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html

I just saw Nilesh's answer, so it seems we have converging
opinions on the 1.9.2+really1.9.1+dfsg-1 version  :)
although I may have a different view on the package name to
specify to the Built-Using.  I'm sorry for the present
confusion, and I hope I have been able to clarify things.

In any case, Many Thanks for your huge work on orthanc, both as
upstream and debian maintainer!

Hope this helps,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.moll...@mailoo.org>
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