Andreas Tille <> writes:

> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp: In function 
> ‘Poco::SplitterChannel* rr::getSplitterChannel()’:
> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp:353:29: error: cannot 
> ‘dynamic_cast’ ‘Poco::Logger::getChannel() const()’ (of type ‘using Ptr = 
> class Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Channel>’ {aka   ‘class 
> Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Channel>’}) to type ‘class Poco::FormattingChannel*’ 
> (source is not a pointer)
>   353 |     FormattingChannel *fc = 
> dynamic_cast<FormattingChannel*>(pocoLogger->getChannel());
>       |                             
> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp:355:27: error: cannot 
> ‘dynamic_cast’ ‘Poco::FormattingChannel::getChannel() const()’ (of type 
> ‘using Ptr = class Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::      Channel>’ {aka ‘class 
> Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Channel>’}) to type ‘class Poco::SplitterChannel*’ 
> (source is not a pointer)
>   355 |     SplitterChannel *sc = 
> dynamic_cast<SplitterChannel*>(fc->getChannel());
>       |                           
> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp: In function 
> ‘Poco::PatternFormatter* rr::getPatternFormatter()’:
> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp:363:29: error: cannot 
> ‘dynamic_cast’ ‘Poco::Logger::getChannel() const()’ (of type ‘using Ptr = 
> class Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Channel>’ {aka   ‘class 
> Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Channel>’}) to type ‘class Poco::FormattingChannel*’ 
> (source is not a pointer)
>   363 |     FormattingChannel *fc = 
> dynamic_cast<FormattingChannel*>(pocoLogger->getChannel());
>       |                             
> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /build/libroadrunner-1.5.4/source/rrLogger.cpp:365:28: error: cannot 
> ‘dynamic_cast’ ‘Poco::FormattingChannel::getFormatter() const()’ (of type 
> ‘using Ptr = class Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::    Formatter>’ {aka ‘class 
> Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Formatter>’}) to type ‘class Poco::PatternFormatter*’ 
> (source is not a pointer)
>   365 |     PatternFormatter *pf = 
> dynamic_cast<PatternFormatter*>(fc->getFormatter());
>       |                            
> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It looks like appending .get() to these getChannel() and getFormatter()
calls, as in

  SplitterChannel *sc = dynamic_cast<SplitterChannel*>(fc->getChannel().get());

should take care of the immediate problem.  (I'm not specifically
familiar with either poco or roadrunner, but this is a common C++

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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