
According to
one reserves the DLA number right /after/ the upload, with a dated entry
in data/DLA/list, so it's meant to be used quickly.

That being said, I modified the script to not only s/committer/package/,
but also print the DLA date.
(I scrapped a version where I filtered out the current date's DLAs,
because I'm not sure who else uses the script and what they expect).


On 18/08/2020 13:46, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
> Hi
> One thing to consider when implementing a delay. You typically reserve
> the DLA some time before making the update so the time you select will
> most likely be wrong.
> Based on this I tend to agree with Holger that any time you select
> will not be suitable. :-)
> But sure some delay may be ok.
> // Ola
> On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 at 00:08, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org
> <mailto:hol...@layer-acht.org>> wrote:
>     hi Sylvain,
>     On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 11:45:03PM +0200, Sylvain Beucler wrote:
>     > > - DLA 2332-1 (reserved by Sylvain Beucler)
>     > I just uploaded it, I am waiting for the ftp confirmation mail,
>     I didn't
>     > even send it by e-mail yet - don't harass me!! ;)
>     >
>     > More seriously, we could add a delay.
>     I believe that wouldn't change anything. If the script would only
>     complain about DLA reservations X hours old, of course $you would send
>     the DLA right after my mail / after X hours + 2 minutes.
>     p.s.: as an after thought re: "don't harass me" (though I get it was a
>     joke, but I think the joke conveyed a useful notion): maybe my
>     semiautomatic
>     mails should have a permanent disclaimer that being 'called out'
>     by them is
>     nothing bad and doesn't deserve any explaination, just fixing?
>     I've just took
>     a note to do so next monday, please help me to word this
>     disclaimer nicely.
>     > Also, I remember we added the uploader name to make it easier for
>     > everybody to notice what needs to be fixed, but for roughly the same
>     > informational value it may be nicer to mention the package name
>     instead.
>     that seriously would be a good improvement! patches welcome! ;-D
>     > What script is responsible for this?
>     find-missing-advisories in debian-webwml.git, to be used like this:
>     cd ~/Projects/security-tracker
>     git pull
>     cd ~/Projects/debian-www/webwml
>     git pull
>     ./english/security/find-missing-advisories --mode DLA --tracker
>     ../../security-tracker/ 2>&1
>     (while having these git repos cloned into those paths...)

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