Hi all,
I think we can all agree that the problem here is that there was an unexpected
issue (a security upload getting rejected) that required sort of immediate work
from a third party (an ftp-master). I don't think we should make a big deal of
this, as this can happen with any other two teams in Debian. What we can and
should do is to try to get this situation resolved (i.e. zsh accepted), which
can be accomplished by either:

- nicely asking an ftp-master to copy libcap2 into jessie-security and waiting
patiently. Offering beer at DebConf or wherever may help ;)
- or failing that, doing a no-change upload of libcap2 into jessie-security

Also long term, we can help improve the archive situation wrt this issue
(bug#823820), which is likely to occur more frequently in the future with Go and
Rust packages that make use of static linking and thus heavily use Built-Using.
This needs to be discussed with the ftp-team and see how this could be done.
Perhaps with a dak module to sync packages to security-master on-demand. That
would still need intervention from them, but at a reduced cost.

I'll talk to them and see what we can do.


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