On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 11:54:16AM -0500, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> Right. That's the one I had in mind as well. :)


> So how *do* we make that "whitelist"? Commandline param? And what will
> it list? Packages? People? Package/people combination?

commandline param with a list of (src) packages to ignore.

> Before you answer, consider that all entries are manually maintained and
> I sometimes write my name "Antoine Beaupre", "Antoine Beaupré" or
> "anarcat" depending on what I remember I used last, and that last time
> we dealt we accents, the script crashed. :p

thanks, that's why I choose src packages :)

> > Conclusion: the script has potential but is still too buggy ;)
> Yep. Silly me, I only looked at claimed-date and not "last-update".

> I pushed this fix and the output changes to implement the things we
> discussed. Hopefully it will help us move forward. :)

very cool, thank you.

> I bypassed the MR
> process as indicated in private: I am going under the assertion that the
> secteam is not using this script anyways and we shouldn't bother them
> with our administrativia any further.


> The only thing that remains unclear to me is the opt-out mechanisms. I
> believe everyone should be "opted in" by default and we can add
> exceptions. The only question is how. I can think of two ways:
>  1. manually: the operator (or cronjob) passes a list of "things" to the
>     script that then get ignored
>  2. automatically: the script reads "things" from a file next to or
>     close to the dla-needed file

I think for starting this experiement we should keep things as simple as
useful. above we discussed introducing a whitelist for packages always
handled by someone. As I see it, we can use the same whitelist for
people who (are volunteers or otherwise) want to opt out here. As above,
I'd refer to them via src-packages, at least in the beginning / until we
have a case where this doesnt work anymore.


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