Choose what works for you and let us know how you go. The way I do it is" valid" everytime I do a new build because the files are already in the config tree and all I need to do is lb clean, lb config, lb build and it just works. I don't get the files for each build, I get them once and put them in my config.
I tried the auto/config method years ago and it just wouldn't work, that is the reason I do it the way I do it. Also you shouldn't need both --firmware-binary true \ and --firmware-chroot true \ in the same auto/config. The chroot (or live image) should detect the files are available in the binary (iso image) and use them. If you do both you are actually putting the files in both file systems and that is doubling up. Choosing one or the other should suffice but having said that using it never worked properly for me no matter what options I chose, and I chose all options until I started doing it the way I currently do it. Cheers. Michael. On 25/03/2018, Leandro Doctors <> wrote: > On 25 March 2018 at 03:45, John Crawley (johnraff) <> > wrote: >> On 24 March 2018 at 07:13, Michael . <> wrote: >> > >> > The simplest way, for me, to do what you are asking about is to >> > download the zip or tar.gz for the distribution you require from >> > Once >> > you have done that unpack it into your live-build environment >> > (config/includes.binary/firmware) before you start the build process. >> >> >> Live-build's auto/config file allows the options: >> --firmware-binary true \ >> --firmware-chroot true \ >> >> I think those will cause all the available firmware to be installed in >> the >> Debian installer and the installed system. > > Dear Michael and John, > > Thank you both very much for your answers! > > Unfortunately Michael's proposal would be valid only once. > So, I will try John's one and get back to you about my experience. > > Even though I had already seen the options in the documentation, from > reading it I could not get that it referred to non-free firmware. > (Chances are I will also have to specify "non-free" as a source for > packages...) > > Just a friendly reminder: If someone has another suggestion, please > remember to CC to me, as I am not on the list. > > Best, > Leandro > >