(Please reply with CC to be, as I am not on the list)
Dear all, I am learning to build Debian Live images using live-build. Based on the examples published by your project, I have managed to replicate some weekly generated images (such as "gnome-desktop", based on the scripts available in [0]). [0]: https://salsa.debian.org/live-team/live-images/tree/debian/images/gnome-desktop My next step is to reproduce the unofficial images from [1]. [1]: https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/weekly-live-builds/amd64/iso-hybrid/ Could anyone be so king to tell me where could I get the corresponding scripts, please? (As they are unofficial, they are logically unavailable from the official repo.) Specifically, I would like to know whether there is a meta-package or task that would allow me to include "all non-free firmware", so I can make sure the system will boot and its Wi-Fi will work in most computers where I may use it. Thank you in advance for your reply. Best, Leandro