Processing commands for > clone 851524 -1 Bug #851524 [live-build] Building armhf image fwith qemu fails at bootstrapping stage if firmware section enabled Bug 851524 cloned as bug 851554 > reassign -1 open-infrastructure-system-build Bug #851554 [live-build] Building armhf image fwith qemu fails at bootstrapping stage if firmware section enabled Bug reassigned from package 'live-build' to 'open-infrastructure-system-build'. No longer marked as found in versions live-build/1:20161216. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #851554 to the same values previously set > retitle -1 building armhf with firmware fails Bug #851554 [open-infrastructure-system-build] Building armhf image fwith qemu fails at bootstrapping stage if firmware section enabled Changed Bug title to 'building armhf with firmware fails' from 'Building armhf image fwith qemu fails at bootstrapping stage if firmware section enabled'. > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 851524: 851554: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems