On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 01:19:44PM +0200, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> Hi,
> using tmpfs as easy as possible within live-helper would be nice
> (optional, of course, since we can't know the amount of ram and the
> image size to build) in order to speed up the build process a bit, but
> to do that most effectively, the whole  build-tree should be in the tmpfs.
> since we can't know the current directy before building, and to avoid
> moving things arround in a hackish way, there's only one solution that i
> can think of: moving everything except the config into build/, and
> having build/ on a tmpfs.
> means, before the change, we have:
> server4:/home/user# mkdir foo
> server4:/home/user# cd foo/
> server4:/home/user/foo# lh config && lh build
> server4:/home/user/foo# ls
> auto  binary  binary-hybrid.iso  binary.list  binary.packages  cache
> chroot  config
> server4:/home/user/foo#
> and afterwards we'd have:
> server4:/home/user# mkdir foo
> server4:/home/user# cd foo/
> server4:/home/user/foo# lh config && lh build
> server4:/home/user/foo# ls
> auto  binary-hybrid.iso  binary.list  binary.packages  build  config
> server4:/home/user/foo# cd build/
> server4:/home/user/foo/build# ls
> binary  cache  chroot
> server4:/home/user/foo/build#
> since this is quite a big change for those that do hackish stuff (for
> those, that are using config/* properly, there will nothing change,
> since the binaries are put in the same place as before)..
> ..what do you think about such a layout change?

I actually copy (basically: export) config/ to under build/ and build
everything there. This means that config/ is something I can easily
maintain under version control, as there are no generated files there.
I also have a number of post-processing actions (basically: set the
version string in a number of files).

Another point: how persistant is the cache directory?

               Tzafrir Cohen
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