ok but you have a specific image for the cd (iso) and for usb-hdd (img)
my distro is only a iso!

if you burn the iso on a cd the distro starts from a cd

if you put the iso on a usb-hdd (and install grub on the device) the distro
starts from the usb-hdd without the need to "dd if=binary.img

just burn&live or copy&live

2009/4/21 Yohann Lepage <yohannlep...@gmail.com>

> 2009/4/21 Vito Tafuni <vitotaf...@gmail.com>:
> > i've found debian-live today so i'm taking a deeper look at the
> project... i
> > never tought there was a live debian!
> > but i think your distro is not capable to boot from an iso file on a usb
> > disk... isn't it?
> DebianLive can boot from iso, usb-hdd, netboot :
> http://live.debian.net/manual/html/basics.html
> --
> Yohann L.
> GPG fingerprint : C8DB 2466 E48D 4323 669D C8AC 9833 136F BA04 8DC4
> http://www.2xyo.info

Tafuni Vito
"Verba volant, scripta manent... data corrupted"

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