A while back I made a blog post[1] about hacking live-helper to create a
minimal Ubuntu Hardy live CD.

I've started poking around making changes to live-helper.git to restore
'ubuntu mode', but I am still using casper, as live-initramfs doesn't
work out of the box for Ubuntu live CDs.  Given the fact that
live-initramfs forked from casper, presumably for a reason, and that
live-helper is seemingly geared to work with live-initramfs more then
casper, does it make sense to restore and maintain a Ubuntu mode in
live-helper that relies on casper, or should I work on making
live-initramfs work for Ubuntu as well?

I'm unfamiliar with the history of both projects so if someone could
educate me, I'd appreciate it.


[1] http://clemensfam.org/john/?p=39

John Clemens                      http://www.deater.net/john
john at deater.net      "I Hate Quotes" -- Samuel L. Clemens

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