On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:27:24 -0400 Nicholas D Steeves wrote:

> People are going to use this
> instead of spending time (and extensive energy) manually checking for
> license compat, thus the reviewer[s] sign-off indicates that the matrix
> is a trusted shortcut.

Well, I hope people will not skip any manual license compatibility
check, just because 'adequate' is able to complain about some simple
and well-known incompatibilities!

If this is an actual concern (on a second thought, I personally think
it could be!), some more explicit warning could be added to the
technical note, highlighting that the design philosophy is to allow for
a good number of false negatives, in order to try hard to avoid false
Perhaps the background section should be clearer on this.
And a FAQ could be added.

Serafeim, do you agree?

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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