On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 22:50:21 +0200 Luciano Bello wrote:

> Please include me in CC, I'm not subscribed to the list


> Hi there,

Hi Luciano!

>     I know that this topic was brought up in the past. But it is time for a 
> proper resolution, so here I go again.
>     IEEE publishes two files, one is "Organizationally Unique Identifier" 
> (OUI) 
> and other one with "Individual Address Block" (IAB) in the following 
> addresses:
> http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/iab/public.html
> http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/public.html
> """Please be advised that the IEEE does not authorize the use of third party 
> extrapolation [...] "third party 
> extrapolation" is the distribution of the public listing by anyone other than 
> the IEEE"""

In other words, they do *not* want anyone else to re-distribute those
files, not even in unmodified form!
Or am I misinterpreting something?

>      The situation is quite ridiculous. Parts of those files are everywhere, 
> including many packages. Even many kernels like the OpenBSD one include 
> information from it. And we *are* distributing that information already.

What a mess!
You should really explain the IEEE that they are heavily hurting
several Free Software projects by forbidding the re-distribution and
the modification of those two files!
Please try and persuade them that those two files should be published
in a DFSG-free manner...

>      Notice that they also said: """it is heavily encouraged that you link to 
> the database for look-up rather than programming.""" so it would be possible, 
> in 
> principle, to make a package to download it (a la flashplugin-nonfree 
> package). 
> But in that case should it go to non-free? Should every packaging using those 
> files end up in contrib?

I am afraid that this would be the result of such a strategy...   :-(


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