On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:49:53AM +0100, Franklin PIAT wrote:
> Which command do I use, to generate the debian/rules.gen?
> linux-support-* provides no README file unfortunately.
> According to the license, I need to place a symlink to the license,
> in /lib/firmware (sorry lintian and fhs). Should I :
> 1. create a [links] section in the define (and modify gencontrol)
> 2. create a ipw2200/links file (and copy it to debian/*.links)
> 3. create a file debian/firmware-ipw2200.links [ouch].
> 4. do something else (maybe in debian/templates)?
> Thanks,
> Franklin

If I've read the FAQ (posted earlier in this thread) correctly, if
Debian uses a centralized location for license files, which
/usr/share/doc/packagename/copyright is, then Debian should be able to
put the license there and does not need to put a copy in the same
directory as the firmware files.


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