Don Armstrong wrote:
> You propose to create another copyleft license which is
> incompatible with many other widely use copyleft licenses.

Could you please explain how it is incompatible with popular
copyleft licenses?

>From my understanding, even the popular ones (GPL and MPL) are
incompatible with each other (GPL-derived code becomes GPL, modified
MPL code stays MPL) unless the copyright holder specifically
releases the software under multiple licenses.

You can my code and use it in GPL and MPL code without any problems.
The reverse case (going from GPL or MPL to mine) is where the
incompatibilities arise, and I am fine with that.

> I canot in good faith even begin to suggest that you continue and
> have other people use your license.

I acknowledge your reasons. However, I am not trying to make The
Next Great License and impose it upon the world. Instead, this is
just a way for me, an immensely insignificant person, to attain
peace of mind about my immensely insignificant software which might
never see the light of day. :-)

Thanks for your consideration.

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