Am 2007-03-11 12:14:09, schrieb Francesco Poli:
> On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 15:01:30 +1100 Ben Finney wrote:
> > Even the GPL
> > terms could be used, so long as it's clear what "the preferred form of
> > the work for making modifications to it" means for that work.
> Agreed, with the addition that, IMHO, "the preferred form of the work
> for making modifications to it" is always well-defined (even though
> sometimes it may be non-trivial to determine).
> Hence, I would recommend the GNU GPL (v2) whenever one wants a copyleft.

I personaly consider "mp3/mp4" and "ogg" (vorbis, theora, ...) NOT
as "the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it".

I asume, that there are nore then one person on the list aggree with me.

So whats the prefered form of source.

For "mp3" and "ogg-vorbis" it can be "wav", "flac" or "shn" but what
about videos?

I have a Video splited in singel bitmaps, which mena 25 images per second
and I do not know, whether this can be the desired form of distribution
since a short video of ONE second (512x384/24) would be 14 MByte as
bitmaps which is by "a little bit larger videos" undesirable since it
exceed any logical distribution limits.

Please note, that I am talking about some embedded Videos in games and
equivalent stuff...  since I know, that there is a game (GPL v2) which
can fill without any problems an entired DVD (4.2 GByte) with it
sourcecode if distributed as bitmaps...  otherwise 1-2 CD's.  The Game
without the Videos is definitivly useless.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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