On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:32:24 +0000 (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:

> Francesco Poli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The clarification from MJ Ray regarding DFSG#4 made me think that
> > each distinct copyright holder had a veto power on _one_ Font Name.
> > At least I hoped it was so, since if each copyright holder can
> > reserve an arbitrary list of Font Names, the restriction can easily
> > grow up to the level it makes finding a non-reserved name nearly
> > impossible.
> I apologise in that case, for it was not my intention.  It can be an
> arbitrary restriction on naming, as recently clarified on ofl-discuss.
> http://openlists.sil.org/archives/ofl-discuss/2006-December/000120.html

Quoting from the message (by Victor Gaultney) that you cite:

| The license does not restrict what can be a RFN. If you have a font
| called 'foo', you can declare 'bar' as a RFN, though I can't think
| of may reasons to do that.

If this is the correct interpretation of the license, then I don't
think this kind of restriction is allowed by DFSG#4, which states,
in part:

| The license may require derived works to carry a different name
| or version number from the original software. (This is a compromise.
| The Debian group encourages all authors not to restrict any files,
| source or binary, from being modified.)

Forbidding reuse of a the name of the original software is OK,
forbidding an arbitrary name is not.
Don't you agree with me that this goes beyond what is allowed
(again, as a compromise!) by DFSG#4 ?

But it is also tradition that times *must* and always
do change, my friend.   -- from _Coming to America_
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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