On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 07:49:32PM +0100, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 01:04:25AM -0800, Sean Kellogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > But consider for a moment that fact that iceweasel (at least the one I have 
> > installed) includes /usr/bin/firefox...  which is a symlink to iceweasel.  
> > The file isn't part of the transition package, it's part of the debian 
> > product.  The confusion then lies not just with the transition package, but 
> > with the iceweasel package itself.

> I agree it's a problem.

Why?  An executable name and a package name are both functional elements
AFAICS, and we shouldn't be worrying about trademarks for either of them

 - the trademark holder tells us to stop
 - we get legal advice to the effect that the trademark holder has a case

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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