Hi folks. I'm seeking additional review of the Domain Keys and Internet Identified Mail patent licenses which are cryptographic email authentication technologies from Yahoo! and Cisco, respectively. I believe these licenses are much closer to allowing open source implementations, unlike the PRA portion of the Sender ID specification.
Here is the IIM license: http://www.ietf.org/ietf/IPR/cisco-ipr-draft-fenton-identified-mail-00.txt Here is the DK license: http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/license/patentlicense1-0.html At the FTC/NIST Email Authentication Summit, I met with both Yahoo! and Cisco folks and they seem to be genuinely interested in making sure their licenses are compatible with open source software, licenses, and development models. Should it be the case that the ASF, FSF, Debian, etc. find these licenses acceptable, I think we should try to make a joint announcement of the "we approve of these licenses" with Yahoo!, Cisco, or both. I also briefly met with Ryan Hamlin, the GM of Microsoft's Safety Technology & Strategy group, and he's interested in attempting a second try at the patent license negotiation between us (well, Larry Rosen) and a more senior attorney at Microsoft. So, it may not be entirely hopeless that Sender ID be entirely usable by open source. Daniel -- Daniel Quinlan ApacheCon! 13-17 November (3 SpamAssassin http://www.pathname.com/~quinlan/ http://www.apachecon.com/ sessions & more)