On 2004-08-18 03:01:59 +0100 Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> In fairness he was responding to the Debian tabloid press, which
> traditionally takes an event, removes all semblence of useful
> information from it, and posts an inaccurate remark along with a URL
> to something inappropriate. So his primary error was in believing what
> you read in the tabloids.

But DWN is impartial... or is it? Let's compare claim with an example:

Claim: DWN attempts to be an unbiased "Newsletter of Record" for the 
Debian community. News items should fairly reflect the event as it 
happened or the discussion as it took place. In any large community 
there will often be opposing views and DWN's role is to report on 
these, rather than to judge them. (From 

Example: My news contributions got handled a month after submission 
(really too slow for a weekly IMO) and rejected or edited because they 
all lacked "content" so I'd add to the above: if the news isn't 
enough, spin it so we can fill the Debian Weekly World News.

I reported both this and the LPPL success. I was told the LPPL one 
"lacks content" and it was "inflated" to point out that this didn't 
yet apply to the tetex packages (durr, release older than licence 
announcement didn't suggest that already?). The QPL one was rewritten 
to use practically nothing from my submission. The item used contains 
at least three bugs and some one-sided reporting that I can spot 
without even trying. I didn't even mention the choice-of-venue thing 
because that's not anywhere near cooked yet.

What is the point of asking for people involved with the lists to 
submit articles if you ignore them for weeks and then rewrite them 
badly? A cynic would say it's so you don't have to gather your own bad 
news. Good news is not DWN news when it involves -legal, I guess. I 
have requested that my name be removed from that edition.

Now, Andrew can post "I told you so" but I thought we might as well 
try to fix DWN after its role in the MPL fart. Finally, I suspect 
posts without references can actually be more harm than help when we 
have hostiles trawling our archives. :-/

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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