On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 11:10:53PM +0200, Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
> > What, even the SSLeay license? It's not a BSD license, and fuck knows
> > what "compatible with OpenSource Initiative criteria" is supposed to
> > mean.
> > 
> MySQL exception says: "Due to the many variants of some of the above
> licenses, we require that any version follow the Open Source Definition
> by the Open Source Initiative (see opensource.org)" 

Yeah, fuck knows what that means. A vague definition in terms of
another vague definition, *in a license*.

> Anyway if MySQL folks would add both licenses in its exception
> could be fine, I think.

That would be the obvious approach. The SSLeay license isn't
particularly BSD-like in intent, so it would be really stretching the
bounds of plausibility to label it as one, and it's not like there's a
shortage of space.

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