Nathaneal Nerode writes:
>Matthew Garrett wrote:
>> Debian-legal is the place where one interpretation is given.
>Many interpretations.
>> Those who 
>> actually end up making the decisions
>RM Anthony Towns, who has espoused interpretations which literally *nobody*
>agreed with, and FTPmaster James Troup, who never makes any statements at

*yawn* Nerode talking crap *again*. What's the colour of the sky on
your planet?

Just because AJ doesn't agree with you, that doesn't give you the
right to insult him right left and centre. Several people are on
record agreeing substantially with his position. And James has
responded on the silly GR thread: see 

for example. Most of the time I'm prepared to skip over your posts to
the lists, but out and out lies like this deserve being exposed for
what they are.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user'
 as meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver." -- Daniel Pead

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