Matthew Garrett wrote:
> Glenn Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 06:36:29PM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
>>>But the QPL also fails the dissident test, and has a much less onerous
>>>requirement than the "Add your name to a wiki" license.
>>It has an "archive all distributed copies until the expiration of copyright"
>>requirement (QPL#6 has no expiration!), which is far more onerous, IMO.
> As I said elsewhere, I'm unconvinced by that. At any point you can avoid
> this by releasing the code to the general public. But that's an entirely
> separate point to the one that was being made.

I agree with that assessment, with the exception that you should not
have to publish your code to the general public, only to those you
distribute the binary to.  The GPL's "offer to provide source for 3
years" is questionable in isolation, but irrelevant since one can
provide source along with binaries and have no further obligations.
Even if you do the same with the QPL, by distributing both source and
binary to another party, your obligations have not ended, because the
copyright holder may still request those changes.

- Josh Triplett

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