Scripsit Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 08:55:21PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
> > In this case, therefore, it does not restrict my right to distribute > > the hypothetical Palladium GCC, because I would give the recipient the > > same rights as I got myself. > That runs into several difficulties. I cannot see any one. > One of which is that [for the purpose of this hypothesis] you had to > purchase the right to develop using these palladium features. Where does your hyphotesis say that? And in which jurisdiction can the supplier of Palladium legally forbid the third party that I give my modified GCC to (and who does not have any contractual relation with the supplier) from continuing my development work? -- Henning Makholm "I tried whacking myself repeatedly with the cluebat. Unfortunately, it was not as effective as whacking someone else."