Re: Branden Robinson in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Debian FreeBSD      ->     Debian Forneus (BSD)
> > > Debian NetBSD       ->     Debian Naberius (BSD)
> > > Debian OpenBSD      ->     Debian Orobos (BSD)
> > [...]
> > Your proposal would change that. I oppose it, and I would oppose it just
> > the same if you wanted to call them Loki, Kali or Hitler. (To pick a few
> > at random.) Using names of evil, real or imagined, is not something
> > that would be helpful to Debian. That kind of publicity we don't need.
> I doubt you'd have known they were names from Christian demonology if I
> hadn't told you.  I didn't propse that we use better known names like
> "Lucifer" or "Satan".  Even names like "Belial", "Asmodeus", and
> "Mephistopheles" are unfamiliar to uneducated Christians (which is most
> of them, at least in the U.S.).

I consider myself educated, and I've never heard of any demons in school
where we had 13 years of religious (catholic) education. I can
definitely say that I'm not offended, and I doubt that anyone I know
would be.

I like Branden's proposition very much. (Other than the proposed
Pratchett names.)

> In any event, for any name that doesn't raise trademark issues (and
> thus potentially jeopardize the entire project), I'd say
> the choice remains up to those who are actually doing the work -- and
> that would be the Debian *BSD porters.


Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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