On Nov 25, 2003, at 13:54, Joachim Breitner wrote:

The remaining question is: Is it also binding if they sell it to me for
zero money, that is, give it to me for free? I think so. The cost has
nothing to do with whether promises have to be kept or not.

No, it has nothing to do with whether a promise is kept, but it does have something to do with if a legal promise ( = contract ) is made. A contract (at least in many places) needs an offering ("consideration") from both sides; and if you paid nothing, I doubt you've made one.

That's not always the case --- for example, if its adware, then being subjected to ads is it. Or at least I'd argue.

But if I just hand you a floppy disk with two files on it, program.exe and COPYING, and ask nothing in return, what contract could of been formed?

And does it matter whether they advertised the GPL? I also think this
does not change any facts. As said before (not checked by me), the GPL
is noted in the firmware file - could be enough of an "advertisement"
for someone really looking for Free firmware.

Maybe, but I suspect even if that were the case, all they could do is demand their money back (for the card purchase).

Thanks for the interesting talk

Your welcome.

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