You are criticizing Debian based on things you can imagine we might do, and have imagined no end of nasty possibilities.
I have hardly criticized Debian at all in this discussion. I was trying to convince Debian developers that they should regard GFDL-covered manuals as free. I have only criticized Debian for one thing, and that is the practice of distributing non-free software (programs). This is something Debian has done for many years, not something I imagine it might do. I expressed some surprise at the idea that Debian might remove removable but non-modifiable essays from our manuals. That is not really criticism. In any case, this possibility was raised by Debian developers including you; I did not imagine it, and would not have imagined it. I don't like being unjustly accused, and that is part of the reason I decided to terminate my participation in the discussion of license matters. I will not try to convince Debian any further.