On 2003-09-23 00:45:52 +0100 Andrew Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[2] Okay, this was just an extreme example. However: since I
believe that, Invariant sections or no, the term "Open Source" will
*still* be more widespread,
Do you have numbers to back the claim that it is more widespread? I
thought only English had the free/free ambiguity enough to create a
market for the more ambiguous term "open source". I know that the
damned term is being imported into other languages, sadly, but I
didn't think it had got to the point of majority yet!
If you have no such data, please refrain from that claim. It borders
on trolling, given your to-list.
or at least be seen as synonymous with "Free
Software" (as the increasingly popular FOSS [Free/Open Source
concatenation shows)
That is intersection, not equation. It is known that undesirable
stunts limiting freedom, such as software patents, are allowed under
most definitions of "open source".
MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ gopher://g.towers.org.uk/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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