Andreas Barth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté : > * Mathieu Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030911 10:20]: > > Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté : > > > On Tuesday, Sep 9, 2003, at 12:29 US/Eastern, Mathieu Roy wrote: > > > > > So a country were you are free to kill a girl without any legal risk > > > > is a country DFSG compliant? > > > > Please cite the specific paragraph of the DFSG that has _anything_ to > > > do with killing people. > > > None. Because DFSG is about free _software_. Not about any freedom you > > can imagine. > > Why do you than say something about killing people here? If we use the > word "free" or "freedom" here, we usually speak about "free(dom) in > the sense of the DFSG". (That's called context. In my referenced mail > I even said explicit what I mean by the words "free" and "non-free", > as I defined them, in the hope that even you won't missunderstand them.)
It's basically not possible to discuss two phrases without having along with them parts of the previous mail. It clearly puts the phrases out of their context and make them senseless. DFSG is about Free Software, we all agree about that. Debian is only about Free Software. Like GNU. But GNU delivers philosophical/political/historical text along with software, to explain his position about Software. And apparently, there's no problem to include these philosophical texts in Debian as long as these text would be treated as Software, ruled by the Free Software definition originated from GNU. But GNU does not consider these philosophical/political/historical texts like Software and so do not think interesting to make them ruled by the Free Software definition. - Maybe GNU should consider the option to provide its manuals in two versions, one without philosophical/political/historical texts, one as the current manuals. It would enable GNU/Linux distributions to choose between just delivering Free Software or delivering philosophical/historical/political texts explaining Free Software along with Free Software to contribute to the GNU ideals fame. There is a risk for GNU: most of the distros may choose to only contribute to Free Software by delivering and making Free Software. But there's an obvious advantage: having GNU manuals that already contain mainly technical documentation that must follow rules likely similar to Free Software rules according to GNU (almost part of the software) still distributed in most GNU/Linux distro. Which is a goal of GNU, to make a complete OS, which usually includes documentation related to the software shipped. It would be annoying to work against the GNU project goals in order to promote the GNU project goals. - Maybe Debian should think about the fact that Debian does not only deliver Software. Yes, in the real world a political text is not a Software -- at all. The fact that even philosophical/political/historical texts should be ruled by the Free Software rules to be ethically acceptable for a number of Debian Developers, in my humble opinion, shows a desire which is completely out of the scope of both Debian and GNU: extending the Free Software rules to almost any kind of work (music, literature). When following this goal, not stated by Debian, it's pretty logical to consider Richard Stallman as corrupted (someone used this word several time on the list about Richard), despite the fact he did not changed his position on Free Software. It particulary makes sense to feel betrayed when the author of the GNU Manifesto tells you that it's only about Software, while you want to extends it to everything. This implicit desire, present in many Debian Developers heart (I bring no proof with me, I would take some time but that something I'm able to do -- It's my real work in real life), makes, I think, impossible to discuss the subject. Because when one tells he does not think important to be able to modify a political text, the other one answer that it must be the case for Debian -- while he is probably think it should be the case under whatever circumstances. If he was not the case, it's likely that he would answer that these texts do not belongs to Debian. And it's, I think, why this GFDL is so annoying for many people always referring to practical issues (anti-DMCA clause, transparent copies clause) when it's not possible to discuss what disturb them most (the invariant section). So the only solution that would help both GNU and Debian is the risky solution I mentioned in "- Maybe GNU should ...". I'm sure it would be lot easier to find way to fix the practical issues without the burden of the disagreement about how political/historical/philosophical texts should be ruled. Which is something off-topic for both GNU and Debian, theoretically. Regards, -- Mathieu Roy Homepage: Not a native english speaker: