On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 11:31:19AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> Yeah, because there is *no* difference whatsoever between:
>       "We're sorry, upstream did not make clear to us the full
>        licensing terms of their software. Now that we have
>        found out, we've fixed it as quickly as possible."
> and
>       "Yeah, upstream didn't tell us before, so we shipped it then
>        and since we did before, we're just going to ignore our
>        principles and ship it for another two years. Hope you don't
>        mind! If you do, either write a free replacement or 'shut the
>        fuck up.'"
> Oh, and there is a legal difference between unknowingly infringing on a 
> copyright and knowingly infringing on one.

You do realize that all stable releases are archived?  Once a package
is out in a stable release, we don't ever stop distributing it.  And
since this code is already in the current stable release, making a
new one with the same code does indeed not intensify the problem.

Richard Braakman

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