> Yes, of course. And while copyright _really_, not formally, > affects only professional distributors, there was little or no > problem with copyright. Problems begins, when copyright grow so > large, that it affect the rights and interests of users and authors.
I don't understand how copyright has grown? It's always been about the rights and interests of authors - that's theoritically who the copyright law is for. It still doesn't affect pure users. It just happens that during the duration of copyright law it's gone from a time when copying a book meant owning a printing press, to running off a few copies at Kinko's, to making an unlimited number of copies effortlessly* and cheaply from your computer. * The first copy may be difficult - though easier then ever, but the next 10,000 are a breeze. ______________________________________________________________________ Do you want a free e-mail for life ? Get it at http://www.email.ro/