On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 21:08:10 +0900 (IRKST), Fedor Zuev

MS> In the example I posted before, the, the documentation of the
MS> probe lists the access methods and protocols that one can talk to
MS> the probe; this is the documentation part. The sensor parses the
MS> same bits to determine the capabilities of the probe, and
MS> publishes that as data to a central trading service.

>               And where the problem?  This list is clearly not a
> software, it is a data. I agree that there are data formats equally
> suitable for reading by human and by program reader. After all, it
> is basically same thing.
        Why is it merely data, and not documentation? Indeed, that
 list is part of a larger section in the sole documentation of the
 probe.  And I fail to see why it is not software. The xslt transform
 converts the list into a series of statements that are then

MS> The very same bits are read by the generic probe handler, and with
MS> an xsl transform, is handed a series of instructions to deploy the
MS> probe. In all these use cases, exactly the same set of bits is
MS> used.

>       I do not understand. These "series of instructions" all
> listed in documentation mentioned above?

        Indeed. They are essentially interpreted as a series of
 function calls, implementation of which is in a separate library. 

> And these "series of instructions" all "published as data to a
> central trading service"?

        Nope. You are mixing two separate operations; one in which the
 list is read as data, and the capabilities of the probe thus provided
 are then published to the trading service; the second in which a
 request comes in for data, and the deployment module reads the list
 and executes the series of instructions to deploy the probe, and
 transmit the instrumentation data back to the requestor. 

> Or they just bundled to a tail of the file (or individual records in
> the file) for further burden?

        They are not at the tail of the file.

> Or they appears only in generic "probe handler" software?

        The probe handler software runs a xslt transfor on the list,
 and converts them into a form that can be exec'ed in sequence. No, the
 specific instructions are in the same list (the one taht is the
 documentation, as well as the data for the trading service). 

MS> I am not talking about bundles -- I am talking about a the same
MS> bits.


!  A good move !!  An excellent move !!!  An I.A. Horowitz move E.C.O.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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