> It is difficult to see what you feel is a problem here?
>  1. You're a user and you want to avoid the risk that the author
>  2. You're the author and want to prevent *yourself* from switching to
>  3. You're one of several authors and want to prevent the others from
>     taking the work proprietary without your permission. In most
>     jurisdictions this will happen automatically - any distribution
>     at all requires the agreement of all authors, and if someone is
>     considering distributing under circumstances that are not allowed
>     under your earlier agreeement to licence under, say, GPL, then
>     they need to ask you (and all other authors) for permission.
>     I dimly remember that there may be jurisdictions (America?) where
>     any of several joint authors can authorize copying if only he
>     splits the profits fairly with other authors. To be paranoid, you
>     might want to draft a contract with the other authors where you
>     explicitly promise each other not to do that.

that is the *question*.
so a contract can guarantee the license's perenity... that might be a good
thing associated to multiple copyrights. It can be the right thing to do

Thanks for your patience. :c)

Baptiste SIMON
   aka BeTa
Administrateur Système GNU/Linux & Unix
3, av. de la Calypso
44000 Nantes
06 75 79 28 48

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