Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 20030428T234517-0700, Alex Romosan wrote:
>> so no, debian didn't come up with the idea of free software.
> Are you trolling?

no, i am not. i was just merely responding to the statement that the
debian project was founded in august of 1993 while the WHY-FREE
manifesto dates from 1994, and hence it was claimed that the social
contract preceded the WHY-FREE manifesto. i pointed out the social
contract was not adopted until 1997. is that clear enough for you?


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

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