On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Georg C. F. Greve wrote:

>  mr> I hope it's not terribly much longer, as the current
>  mr> semi-consensus is likely to congeal into an actual necessity to
>  mr> remove un-free emacs documentation from Debian.
> Are you referring to documentation under the GFDL? Why would that have
> to be removed?

Not all GFDL documentation, only that which contains invariant sections 
which cannot be removed or modified.

They'd have to be removed for the same reason than any component of Debian
would have to be removed if it was discovered to be non-free.  Debian does
not contain non-free components.  We do make available archives of
useful-but-unfree software which could contain this documentation, but it
wouldn't be part of Debian.

I expect there will be more time for debate and discussion before the
actual removal takes place.  Branden's proposal for documenting and
writing a FAQ seems like the proper next step.
Mark Rafn    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <http://www.dagon.net/>  

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