/ "Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| "Java Transaction API"
| should be enough for the short description: `from SunTM' will be
| clear in the copyright file, and JTA is redundant (and not so self
| explanatory).


| I'm not sure you need to place `TM' after Java or Sun, so i'm Cc-ing
| -legal.

removed, I saw the response of -legal

Many thanks for your help,

-- Arnaud Vandyck @ work
   FingerPrint = 82F3 45D0 F1B2 D79E D0BE  5188 E2FC C566 EEB6 B4C2
         ,----                                         ----.
         | Linux Copy Party le 26 avril 2003 au Val BenoƮt |
         | http://vbstefi60.fapse.ulg.ac.be/lcp/           |
         `----                                         ----'

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