
>From reading the discussing on debian-legal about mk-defsystem3, I
think it is best to remove the word "Use" from the license in the
below paragraph. It brings up issues about the actual acceptance of a
license just by "using" the software. Also, it doesn't add anything
since the conditions that follow don't have anything to do with the
actual use of the software.

Thanks for considering this.

> Use, copying, modification, merging, publishing, distribution
> and/or sale of this software, source and/or binary files and
> associated documentation files (the "Software") and of derivative
> works based upon this Software are permitted, as long as the
> following conditions are met:

       Kevin Rosenberg        |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **   | : :' :      The  universal
  GPG signed and encrypted    | `. `'      Operating System
     messages accepted.       |   `-

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