On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 12:03:46AM +0200, Frank Mittelbach wrote:
>  > If I remove any given features from a BSD-licensed program, it remains
>  > free.
> but the same would be true for the LPPL as proposed to be rewritten by me with
> the help of Jeff and others.
> I repeat the essential point is that requirement to be able to apply LPPL
> would be with repect to the underlying virtual machine for which the code is
> written. So by changing anything in a work licened under LPPL this feature or
> rather description of the domain to which LPPL could be applied couldn't
> change.

Then, reworded: you can't make arbitrary changes to the program (or its
dependencies) without changing the freeness of the program.

Now, a DFSG-free program only needs one DFSG-free version of all of its
dependencies to be in main (and not contrib), but this is getting messy.
If B depends on A, and either A or B can be modified in any way, but some
modifications to A may make B non-free using that implementation, is B

*head spinning*  I'm going to go code.  It takes much less thought ...

Glenn Maynard

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