On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 08:32:27PM +0200, Bill Allombert wrote:
> Hello developers,
> Could you give me your advice on this patend
> problem ? I have not the connection time to
> investigate this issue properly and anyway this
> must be discussed here.
> Please CC me, thanks!

If true, this really sucks, but:

* It's not the copyright license on libjpeg62 that is non-free;
* The copyright holder of libjpeg62 is not the party attempting to use
  means other than copyright law to remove people's freedom to exercise
  the license;
* There is no evidence that the copyright holder has colluded with the
  party claiming the patent such that the DFSG-free license on libjpeg62
  was issued in bad faith.

In other words, it is not the fault of the copyright holder(s) of
libjpeg62 that some other party had a "submarine patent" in waiting.

Therefore, a Debian archive outside jurisdictions where this patent is
enforceable is the proper home for the software if the patent is
enforceable against libjpeg62, not non-free.

G. Branden Robinson                |      To stay young requires unceasing
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      cultivation of the ability to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      unlearn old falsehoods.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |      -- Robert Heinlein

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