Scripsit Walter Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Henning Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scripsit Walter Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > You seem to be saying that the contract is worthless since it is
> > > difficult to enforce.

> > No, I'm saying that the contract is unneccesary, because it won't make
> > any difference. In the cases where it is possible to enforce it, the
> > culprit will already being punished harder than the contract can
> > manage to do it.

> I'm confused.  How is that different from what I said?

There's a differece in the implied attitude. "Worthless" suggests that
we want something that is worth more instead. "Unnecessary" suggests
that we don't want anything at all. Which is my point.

> > > You aren't saying anything about whether the law requires Debian to
> > > make that contract.

> > No. Does the law do that?

> That would be my entire point.

Well, I can't argue against silly laws. But I'm glad that we don't
have such silliness where I live.

Henning Makholm                         "This imposes the restriction on any
                                  procedure statement that the kind and type
                             of each actual parameter be compatible with the
                       kind and type of the corresponding formal parameter."

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