Scripsit Stefano Zacchiroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > So I can't rewrite the point in such a way it impose that commercial > distributions are themselves "free", in the sense of "free software", > right again?
Correct. > Please, tell me why we (as debian) have to care about "aggregation". Because we want to make sure that users of Debian have the freedom to reproduce copies of the software, at least if they jumpo through the easy hoop of aggregating it with something. > Why we can't leave it as it is and leave O'Reilly care about this if Because we're concerned with the user's right. -- Henning Makholm "NB! Benbrud er et symptom, ikke en sygdom. Hvis du har brækket benet bør du gå til lægen for at få fastslået årsagen. Brug aldrig Herbalit<tm> mod benbrud uden lægens anvisning."