Just to clarify this a little for -legal readers:

There is a set of boot utils for the risc PC that are necesary to partition
the drive and boot a kernel, written by Russell King (arm kernel maintainer).

These are not curretnly distributed with debian-arm boot-floppies because we
don't think the license is DFSG compliant. It would be very nice if they
could because it doesn't look like anyone else is going to writing
replacements in a hurry.

The author thinks it is sufficiently free and doesn't want to change it (see
previous mail). So can we include this or not? Any good arguments for
persuading the author that in fact the licence isn't free? part of this
software is needed by boot-floppies - just putting the software in non-free
isn't going to help this aspect as I presume it's no good having b-f
build-depends on something in non-free. Perhaps we could find te resources to
re-implement that bit...

The current license in full is:

1.  The `original author' contained here in is Russell King, currently
    contactable at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2.  The `source code' refers to the machine-readable source code,
    suitable for compilers to create the program, which is the form
    used to make modifications to that code.

3.  The `program' refers to the machine-executable code which is derived
    from this source code.

Copy these sources as much as you want!  It's totally free of charge, and
as such is provided WITHOUT warranty.  This program is supplied "AS IS",
and as such, all damages, loss of data, inaccurate data, loss of earnings,
failure of the program and costs caused through use of this program are
entirely your own, and not the authors nor contributors.

The following conditions are imposed on this source code and program:

1. Any changes should be forwarded to the original author for inclusion
   in a later release of the tools.

2. You may modify the sources at your own will. However, if you modify
   the sources or use the sources in your own programs, you must give
   due credit to the original author which must be visible to the user
   of your program.

3. You may not redistribute the programs nor the source code, in hole
   or in part, under the same name(s) as the original program/source

4. All other forms of modification are strictly prohibited.

5. A copy of this copyright notice must be included with any
   distribution or redistribution of this source code, and with any
   subsequent program distribution.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
work: http://www.aleph1.co.uk/     play: http://www.chaos.org.uk/~wookey/

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