Scripsit Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 10:04:23PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:

> > Oh. In that case I would suppose that "contributory infringement"
> > logically requires that somebody actually infringes on the copyright.
> > Who would that be in this case?

> The idea is that if lots of people engage in minor copyright violations

I don't see any minor or major copyright violations in this scenario:

  1) F produces a library L and releases it under the GPL
  2) A produces a program P that links to L.
  3) A distributes the source code for P (but not for L) til B
  4) B gets L from F and compiles and uses P.

As far as I understand you RMS's claim would be that A is somehow
violating the GPL even though he never copies the library it applies
to. I cannot see how "contributory infringement" applies here, because
nobody in the story copies anything they are not explicitly allowed to
copy. In fact, nobody copies anything they didn't write themselves!
Henning Makholm                                           "Check the sprog."

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