On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Richard Braakman wrote: > Hmm. In /usr/share/doc/apache/copyright there is this clause: > > 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache" > nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written > permission of the Apache Group. > > This seems to be a new clause; it wasn't there the last time I > looked (which was a while ago).
I am pretty sure that such a clause has always been a part of the Apache licenses. The intent is pretty simple - we don't want people calling their commercial derivatives "Apache++", "ApachePro", etc. Only recently did we realize that, technically, this affected people who released their own packages of Apache. From one perspective, this is unfair - this is "just" a repackaging. But from another perspective, keeping the same name means that the Apache developers are blamed when things go wrong. And in fact, we've had to deal with lots of reports of bugs that show up in the various RPM's that Red Hat and Suse distribute, though they finally got some sanity and that has died down. So, one thing the Apache developers have considered doing is coming up with a list of prereq's that, if satisfied, a product could carry the name Apache. This is tricky ground, though, because you know some corporate type is going to look for loopholes in that definition so that can legally meet the requirements and still call their tool "ApachePro". So until such a perfect document can be described, I think there are two possibilities: a) The Debian maintainers for Apache should join the appropriate developers lists, and volunteer to create .deb packages for Apache that we can distribute from apache.org. Those packages can then be distributed from debian.org as well, carrying the same name, since they're the same file. I strongly recommend this approach. b) The Debian maintainers for Apache could email [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking for permission, as the license suggests. I don't recommend this direction, because then it would cause us to have to define what it is we're agreeing to, etc... it could get messy. Though the consensus would probably be, Debian's a reputable group, so let them do it. I see the concern about issue #8 in the DFSG - I think that's not relevant, because the original license stands and is non-Debian-specific. The reason I recommend a) is because: > The Debian package of apache is clearly a derived product -- it > has 600 kilobytes of diffs, including patches to core Apache files. Wow! What *are* those diffs? Has anyone contributed them to Apache? Why not? Note that we have a pretty modular installation configuration mechanism, so there's no reason that Debian-specific installation dirs or other settings can't be made a part of our code. Ideally, we work creating .deb files into our release process, so that a .deb is created as a side-effect of doing a release (or soon after). Comments? Brian